I received a bouquet of flowers yesterday and was shocked! A dozen of roses with words 'I miss you' on each of the petals. Very touched and happy. Lionel sent it to me as he was very busy this week and could not meet me. How sweet of him! Thanks dearie.
Lately was very busy with work as we had new agents coming in and there are lots preparation for them. Our driver was sacked and I had to interview new drivers, scanning and filtering out the process for my boss. Some politics in my office as reflected especially among the young ladies. Backstabbing, badmouthing, curry favouring. As I am on the neutral side, I just listen to all sides of the stories. Very interesting indeed. Meanwhile, work is piling up and I am trying to slowly clear my work. As this is the last quarter of the year, my boss is rushing for production and naturally I am busy as well.
No matter how busy with work, i managed to catch up with my uni friends last week at Minds Cafe for games and dinner. A generally very nice gathering and we are planning for more sports activities in the future. Also met up with Junwen and Crystal today at Fish&Co, realised from JW that being a teacher is not easy, she seems very stressed! Also not forgetting, MJ as usual every week without fail.
Krabi trip next week. Looking forward to it. Sometimes just need that little bit of time to relax and recharge everything. Yay!
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